Sunday, May 08, 2011

The Pack Mentality and the Leadership Lessons of Ike

According to the book description of The Pack Mentality and the Leadership Lessons of Ike, “In the world of Law Enforcement we are the protectors, the defenders, the warriors against the evils of the world. We are the pack of Sheepdogs, searching out what goes bump in the night and confronting the wolf. We must identify with the Alpha Dog if we are to lead this group of dedicated warriors in the pure and honorable fight.

Corey D Roberts has dedicated his life to being a Sheepdog and has served in leadership roles in the US Army, in Law Enforcement, and in the private sector. Ike was a border collie, a constant presence during Corey’s formative years and a great example of leadership for us all. Ike was the Sheepdog, he was the Alpha Dog.

The Pack Mentality and the Leadership Lessons of Ike takes the lessons of the Border Collie and his dedicated pack of sheepdogs and applies them in a practical way to the leaders of our brave men and women in Law Enforcement. These practical and often hard learned lessons can direct you to the path of a true leader, an Alpha Dog.”

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