by Chris McCann
JBER Public Affairs
Summer in Alaska is often jammed full of activities - from filling the freezer
with salmon to just camping and enjoying the warm days that seem to come to an
end all too soon.
For Boy Scouts, camping happens both summer and winter - and
there are plenty of other activities for colder winter months.
Ken Desaussure is the committee chairman for the 190th Boy
Scout Troop, one of the two troops on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. A
26-year Air Force crew chief, he now oversees part of the Boy Scouts program.
The 190th comprises eight boys between 11 and 14 - though
the age limit is 18. They meet weekly at the chalet at Sixmile Lake.
Another troop on JBER, the 540th, is hoping to draw more
boys to their closer-to-home meeting place at Building TDM02, between the
credit union and the Bioenvironmental building on JBER-Richardson.
DeSaussure was involved in Scouting himself, attaining the
rank of Eagle Scout. He said his experiences set him up for success in the Air
Force, from goal-setting to leadership.
"As far as the boys, it gives them something to work
for," he said. "It also gets parents involved; we have a couple of
dads go camping with us every time we go out.
"It helps them mature; they're learning
personal-management skills and organization."
DeSaussure's son, Grady, is 14 and also a Scout. Though he
doesn't plan on a military career at this point, he said he's reaping the
benefits of Scouting.
"Things like knot-tying, I don't use that in day-to-day
life," he said. "But responsibility and taking control of a
situation, leadership skills, I use a lot."
He cited group projects at school, often the bane of
students, as an area he's improved in.
"After [starting] Scouts, when I started learning, I
tend to take charge; things are done on time, and they're done well."
Grady said he'd like to be a marine biologist. Fortunately,
the Scouting program offers more than 100 different merit badges in many
different areas.
"Along with outdoorsmanship, there's fishing, wildlife
conservation, things like that," he said. "All those are useful here
in Alaska."
For a boy who's not sure whether to get involved, Grady
Desaussure said he wholeheartedly recommends the program.
"From Boy Scouts, you can learn to rock climb, shoot
rifles, anything," he said. "You get to meet new people, and help a
lot of people as well."
Around the holidays, the troop helps out at Bean's Cafe,
serving meals to the homeless.
On Memorial Day and Veterans' Day, they place flags on the
graves of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Senior Airman Ross Whitley, a videographer with the 673d Air
Base Wing, serves as the assistant Scoutmaster for the 540th. He has been
involved in Scouting almost all his life.
"When I was a pre-teen and a teenager, my home life
wasn't very good," Whitley said. "If I was home, I was either in my
room doing nothing, or getting yelled at. Scouts was a place I could be myself
with my friends and strive for something."
As an older Scout, he participated in the Challenging
Outdoor Physical Encounter, which focuses on climbing skills and develops
leadership skills.
"You have to work together to overcome obstacles"
just like a military obstacle course, he said. "There's the spiderweb, a
rope net you have to get everyone through without touching the rope. You have to
get everyone on your team over a high wall."
Since everyone has different strengths, positions shift
throughout the weekend's activities.
"You're 'captain, crew or cargo', and every one of
those is important," Whitley explained. "Sometimes you're the team
leader, who delegates the tasks; sometimes you're on the crew that does them,
and sometimes you're just the cargo. But they're all important.
"The course culminates in a trust fall, but not just
falling backward - you're falling from four or five feet up into a crowd of
"I didn't think it would transfer to the military as
well as it does," Whitley said. "But really it transfers to anything
- any job you have, you're going to have the same basic structure. Scouting
really teaches you about small-group leadership and group dynamics."
The hierarchy of a troop is broadly similar to the military;
several boys make up a patrol, roughly like an Army squad, except the patrol
leader is elected by the boys.
The senior patrol leader would be equivalent to a platoon
sergeant, but also elected.
Adults are just facilitators, Whitley explaned.
"It's a boy-led program. The adults are just there to
make sure the boys don't
get hurt, and to take care of the administrative things,
like making sure the bank account is up-to-date for camping trips or buying
Boys in high school can strive for the highest rank: Eagle
Getting there requires a major community-service project.
The prospective Eagle Scout must create detailed plans and explanations, lead
the crew in executing, and create a review or summary of the project.
Whitley's Eagle Scout project was re-shingling a garage for
a church - a 27-by-18 foot A-frame roof.
"It's your responsibility to get the materials -
usually donations from local businesses - and the volunteers to work," he
Patrol and troop members usually provide the manpower.
"I got the materials, but I didn't know how to shingle
a roof, so I asked a local roofing company. They sent a couple of guys to show
us what to do, and to make sure we were doing it right, according to building
codes and regulations, using the tar paper correctly.
We had about 30 people, boys 11 to about 16, plus a few
adults. I expected it to take a whole day, or even two days, but we were done
in about four hours."
It's not just the leadership skills that have stuck with
him, Whitley said; it's the values.
The Scout Law lists 12 qualities a Scout must have.
"I can recite the Scout Law more easily than I can the
Airman's Creed," Whitley said. "When I find myself on a wrong path, I
can think about that oath and find out where I'm going wrong and fix it.
"It's the 'Scout law,' but it's really twelve values
every man needs to have," Whitley said. "It's a program to turn boys
into good men."
"The things they instill in boys - I believe in them so
highly, that's why I still work with Scouts."
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