Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Leadership at its Very Best!

By Joseph L. Giacalone
Seaford Harbor, NY

There are always at least two books on every subject: the first one and the best one.  Leadership: Texas Hold `Em Style is the best in breed. It is a non-academic, easy to read, practitioner's guide to leadership in life, everywhere from the coffee shop to the front lines.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, especially the anecdotes and use of the game of poker to further the author's message. You don't have to know about poker to understand the concepts brought forth. I have been a supervisor for a long time and did or was doing many of the concepts that are explained. However, I learned some valuable lessons and was provided further insight on what it really means to be a good leader. I picked up some new ideas that I never thought of and most importantly it teaches you how to work with "bad" bosses: and God knows we all have them! The authors proved once again that we can still be taught lessons and learn from others. I am looking forward to experimenting with these new ideas in the workplace.

I highly recommend this book to everyone, no matter what your position in the workplace: As the authors said, "Leaders where followers once."

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